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关于举办“Wild life genome” 学术报告的通知

来源:   作者:   发布日期:2019-08-26 浏览次数:



  报告题目: Wild life genome

  报告人: Rasmus Heller


  报告地点:百家乐策略 104会议室


  Rasmus Heller博士现为丹麦哥本哈根大学生物系助理教授,主要从事有关动物群体遗传学的研究,特别是麝香牛、中南大羚羊等稀有牛科物种基因组进化研究。利用动物群体遗传学、进化遗传学等方法解读野生物种生态适应性,群体历史以及野生动物保护。参与反刍动物基因组计划,并即将开展牛科物种基因组计划。迄今为止,在国际会议上进行了6次特邀报告,发表SCI论文30余篇,总引用次数超过1000次,其中三篇通讯作者的文章分别在Science,Nature Ecology and Evolution,Current Biology作为封面文章发表。


  2009-2012     Ph.D. in Population Genetics, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. Thesis title: “Demographic History and Phylogeography of Large African Mammals”.

  2004-2007     M.Sc. in Biology, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. Thesis title: Population genetics of the African buffalo ( Syncerus caffer ) in East Africa”. Supervised by Associate Professor Hans R. Siegismund.

  2000-2004     B.Sc. in Biology, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. Behavioural ecology of gibbons in Malaysia and Indonesia.

  Relevant working experience

  2014-current    Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen.

  2012-2014       Post doctoral researcher, Gulbenkian Institute, Oeiras, Portugal.

  2012     Post doctoral researcher, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen.


  2019     ERC Starting Grant Invited for interview in June 2019.

  2018     DFF Sapere Aude Research Leader grant Personal career development grant. 5,887,121 DKK.

  2018     DFF research project 1 grant Named participant. 2,534,699 DKK

  2014      Villum Foundation Young Investigator grant Personal career development grant. 3,591,203 DKK

  2012     DFF post doc research grant Personal grant. 2,292,100 DKK

  2009     DANIDA research grant Personal grant 403,027 DKK

  2009-2011     Science Faculty PhD. stipend Personal grant. 3 years PhD. salary funding received from the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen.


  Published a total of 31 peer-reviewed papers and one book chapter. My current h-index is 15, and my publications are cited 1026 times (Google Scholar). My publication record is characterized by a high degree of independence and responsibility, evidenced by the high percentage of first and corresponding author publications (29% and 35%, respectively). My first three senior author papers were cover stories in Nature Ecology & Evolution , Current Biology and Science , respectively. I have one manuscript in review in Science Advance and one paper in review in Molecular Ecology Resources .

  Invited talks

  2019    IPB Talks at the Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia. "Wildlife Genetics".

  2018    BIO Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. “The Long Road to Greenland: a tale of humans and muskoxen”.

  2017     Global Biodiversity Genomics Conference, Washington DC, USA. “The ruminant genome project”.

  2013     European Society of Evolutionary Biology congress, Lisbon, Portugal. “Assessing the confounding effect of population structure on Bayesian skyline plot inferences of demographic history”.

  2013    University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland. “African wildlife genetics: understanding the last true megafauna community on Earth”.

  2013    Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology, Vienna, Austria (2013). “African wildlife genetics: understanding the last true megafauna community on Earth”.





  2019年 8月26日




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