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关于举办“Nutritional management to modulate gut health of poultry”报告会的通知

来源:   作者:   发布日期:2019-08-27 浏览次数:



  报告题目:Nutritional management to modulate gut health of poultry

  报 告 人:Dr. Rajesh Jha


  报告地点:百家乐策略 104会议室


  Rajesh Jha博士现为夏威夷大学(马诺阿分校)人类营养、食品和动物科学系副教授。2006年于瓦赫宁根大学获硕士学位,2010年于萨斯喀彻温大学获博士学位,2010-2012年在阿尔伯特大学作博士后研究,并自2012年起在夏威夷大学任教。Jha博士的研究团队利用卵内(家禽胚胎)、体外、体内等模型,科研工作主要集中在评估饲料原料和饲料添加剂的营养价值并研究其对单胃动物肠道健康的影响。Jha博士曾任美国农业部猪营养多州联合专家委员会主席,是多个知名行业主流期刊(包括Poultry Science等)的编委会成员。Jha博士多次在国际学术会议上作报告,并在韩国、中国和尼泊尔的多个大学但任客座教授。请登陆网站www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/rjha查看Jha博士研究团队的详细信息。

  Dr. Rajesh Jha is an Associate Professor of Animal Nutrition and Graduate Chair of Animal Sciences program in the Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA. He earned his M.Sc. degree from the Wageningen University, the Netherland in 2006 with minor thesis research works conducted at the Massey University, New Zealand. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada in 2010 and worked as Research Associate at the University of Alberta, Canada before joining current position at the University of Hawaii in 2012. Research works of Dr Jha’s lab are focused on evaluating feedstuffs and feed additives for their nutritional value and effects on the gut health of monogastric animals using in ovo , in vitro and in vivo models. He is past Chairperson of USDA’s Multistate Committee on Swine Nutrition. He also serves on the editorial board of several high-impact academic journals, including Poultry Science. He has published over 160 papers in different forms including over 55 peer-reviewed articles. Dr. Jha is a very active presenter in different national and international meetings and serves as a Visiting Professor in universities of Korea, China, and Nepal. More information about Dr. Jha can be found at his lab website (www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/rjha).






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