
西北农林科技大学 百家乐策略


现在的位置: 百家乐策略» 合作交流» 学术交流


来源:   作者:   发布日期:2015-10-14 浏览次数: 620



报告题目:(1)Brief Introduction to Aniaml Nutrition (14:30-16:00)


          (2)Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition (16:30-18:00)


报 告 人:Dr.René KwakkelWageningen University


时  间:330日下午14:30-18:00


地  点:北校区4号楼百家乐策略 一楼会议室(4140#





    Rene Kwakkel finished his MSc-study at Wageningen University in 1986 (major theses: (1) Embryonic mortality in sows and (2) Nylon bag degradation of roughages in dairy cows). He joined the Animal Nutrition Group and started research and lecturing in the field of general and poultry nutrition. The first 8 years, his major concern (beside the lecturing) was to finish the PhD-study on 'feeding strategies for layer-type pullets' (in 1994). During the nineties, poultry research on amino acid utilization, gut health in relation to feed particle sizes, and modelling Ca/P metabolism in the layer were among the major fields of study.
     From 2000 to 2004, he broadened his scope nd joined the Animal Production Systems Group to study poultry production systems as part of society and worldwide enterprises. Outdoor systems for broilers in conjunction with crop farming had his main attention.
     In 2004, he returned to 'his roots' and re-joined the Animal Nutrition Group for 50 % of his daily activities; moreover, the other 50 % is dedicated to his role as Programme Director of MSc-study in Animal Sciences & Aquaculture (since 2001).
At present, a large part of his daily activities is related to the supervision of several PhD-students, of which some work in the field of poultry nutrition, and others work in fields where nutrition meets the systems approach.


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