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       发布日期:2015-10-14     浏览次数:


1.报告题目:Forage Legumes Seed Production in Serbia

报告人:Djura Karagic,  Ph.D., Senior Researcher

2.报告题目:Influence of Irrigation on Forage Seed Quality

报告人:Branko Milosevic, Ph.D., Junior Researcher


  报告地点:百家乐策略 一楼会议室


  Djura Karagic,  Ph.D., Senior Researcher in Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Forage Crops Department. Dr. Karagic is a member of Forage Crops Society of Serbia, International herbage seed group and International Seed Federation and a Member of Working Group on Molecular Markers in Variety Testing. He has published 191 papers and been awarded 4 patents. His research interests are forage crops, seed science, agroecology, breeding, production technology, forage for bioenergy. Investigator in projects as: several national projects on legumes in Serbia, TR 31024: Increasing the market of forage crops by breeding and optimizing seed production of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia - Project leader, bilateral projects with Belarus, Slovakia and China.

Branko Milosevic, Ph.D., He is a Junior Researcher in Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Forage Crops Department. His research interests are forage crops, seed science, agroecology, production technology, forage for bioenergy. Dr. Milosevic is a member of Forage Crops Society of Serbia and International herbage seed group. He has participation in the projects of TR 31024: Increasing the market of forage crops by breeding and optimizing seed production of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, bilateral projects with Belarus, Slovakia and China and published 15 papers. 






百家乐策略 -西北农林科技大学
