姜雨教授,现任西北农林科技大学反刍动物遗传与进化研究中心主任、百家乐策略 副院长。作为主要完成人之一,构建了世界上首个绵羊和首个山羊的参考基因组,并对世界主要家畜品种的SNP和CNV变异信息和频率进行了系统整理分析,构建了家畜遗传变异数据库//animal.nwsuaf.edu.cn/,并通过比较家养与野生的基因组差异,系统发掘了一系列与生长、抗病、发育功能有关的驯化基因,在Science,Nature Biotechnology等期刊发表论文五十余篇,被引用3000余次。作为协调人之一,设计定制了适用于中国绵羊和山羊的基因芯片,为基因组选择育种服务。
Title: the origin of goat genetics diversity and breeding applications
Time:4:30pm,September 28, 2021
Venue: N8T07
Introduction of Speaker:
Dr. Yu Jiang is the Professor in College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University. Yu Jiang received his bachelor's degree in 2006 from College of Life Science, Fudan University. Yu studied at State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution, in Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences before receiving his PhD in genetics in 2011. He then spent two years as a Postdoctoral Fellow in CSIRO Livestock Industries, Australia, before starting a job in Northwest A&F University, China. Since May 2015, he has been the Principal Investigator of Laboratory for Genomic Big Data in Northwest A&F University.
Through innovative bioinformatics analysis, Yu first reported the reference genome of sheep and goats, reported the use of optical mapping profiling for animal genome assembly and GWAS analysis using structural variations. He also contributed to the deciphering of the genetic heritage of worldwide goat, sheep and cattle, and revealed a series of adaptive introgression events. Yu have published more than 30 manuscripts as first or senior authorship in journals such as Science, Nature Biotechnology and Cell Research. His current major area of interest is focused on ruminant livestock and their foregut fermentation system, the rumen, which represents the world'sextraordinarily efficient stomach using microbial flora to ferment the feed. He try to reveal the genetic basis of the rumen and its microbial ecosystem, and finally develop a bionic machine of artificial rumen combined with milk reactor as facilitating the conversion of lignocellulose rich plant materials, of low value in the human diet, to high value animal protein and lipid.