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       发布日期:2018-10-19     浏览次数:



  应学院邀请,塞尔维亚土地作物蔬菜研究院副院长Sanja Vasiljević教授和该院牧草研究所所长Đura Karagić教授来院访问交流并作专题学术报告,现将有关事项通知如下:


  报告题目:Research Activities in Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops

  报 告 人:Sanja Vasiljević教授


  报告地点:百家乐策略-新手到高手的实战指南 一楼107会议室

  报告人简介:Sanja Vasiljević

  Dr. Vasiljević is scientific director of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia. She is a scientist also working in Forage Crops Department on red clover breeding, genetic resources of forage crops. Participation in many projects as:Project Serbian – Slovak Bilateral Cooperation: Preservation and sustainable utilization of wild and agricultural legume flora in Slovakia and Serbia. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad and Centrum výskumu rastlinnej výroby, Piešťany -Project leader; Project Serbian – Belorus Bilateral Cooperation: „Forage Legumes Breeding in Belorus and Serbia, two eastern-european regions with different ecological conditions”; Project Serbian – Chine Bilateral Cooperation: Assessing forage plant biomass for bioenergy:  Operational challenges and cost considerations (base on grey-box method); Regional project SeedNet „Regional collecting expedition and ex situ conservation of Trifolium pratense L. and Festuca pratensis Huds“;  Regional project SeedNet „Regional collecting expedition and ex situ conservation of Dactylis glomerata L.and Medicago falcata L.“;  COST Action 852 Quality Legume-Based Forage Systems for Contrasting Environments, Working Group I, and so on, published 150 articles, 12 patents in last five years.  


  报告题目:Agriculture in Serbia - Forage Crop Department of Institute of Field  and Vegetable Crops

  报 告 人:Đura Karagić教授


  报告地点:百家乐策略-新手到高手的实战指南 一楼107会议室

  报告人简介: Đura Karagić

  Dr. Karagić is a researcher, Director of Forage Department in Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia, a seed scientist and guest professor at Kazakh National Agrarian University and Novi Sad University. His Research interests are Forage crops, seed science, agroecology, breeding, production technology, forage for bioenergy. Participation in many projects as: several national projects on legumes in Serbia, TR 31024: Increasing the market of forage crops by breeding and optimizing seed production of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (2011-2014) - Project leader, Europe China H2020,Breeding forage and grain legumes to increase EU and China protein self-sufficiency727312-EUCLEG(2017-2021),bilateral projects with Belarus, Slovakia and China, and published 121 articles, 4 patents in last five years.





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