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关于举办“African killifsh: exploring regeneration and aging in a fast lane”学术报告会的通知

       发布日期:2021-04-07     浏览次数:



报 告 人:王伟  研究员

报告题目:African killifsh: exploring regeneration and aging in a fast lane


报告地点:百家乐策略 107会议室

报告人简介:王伟,北京生命科学研究所(NIBS)研究员。本科及硕士毕业于西北农林科技大学。2014年获得美国阿拉巴马大学生物学博士,随后进入美国斯托瓦斯医学研究所(Stowers Institute for Medical Research)、霍华德·休斯医学研究所(Howard Hughes Medical Institute)从事博士后研究,师从美国国家科学院院士、艺术与科学院院士、HHMI 研究员Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado教授。近年来,先后在Science, Nature, PNAS 等国际主流期刊发表论文10 余篇。

王伟实验室建立了具有显著优势的非洲鳉鱼(Nothobranchius furzeri)再生模型,主要从事器官再生及衰老研究。非洲鳉鱼栖息在非洲东南部遭受季节性干旱的临时水塘中。成年的非洲鳉鱼仅在雨季池塘蓄水时才会出现。在干旱无水的季节,非洲鳉鱼以被埋在泥中且处于滞育(diapause)或休眠状态的胚胎形式存活,等待下一个雨季孵化并再次繁殖。强大的干旱选择压力使得该物种进化出了独有的特征(例如,生长、性成熟及衰老速度极快,胚胎可以主动进入滞育或休眠长达两年以上)这些特征可以大大加速器官发育、再生及衰老相关的研究。


Title:African killifsh: exploring regeneration and aging in a fast lane

Abstract :Regeneration has long attracted biomedical interest because of the potential of replacing damaged organs with new ones. However, why some animals (e.g., fish and salamanders) regenerate extensively while others such as mammals regenerate poorly is not well understood. Further, the ability to regenerate damaged organs displays progressive decline during aging, leading to reduced quality of life in old animals. How the regenerative capacities are lost during evolution and aging is still a long-standing question in biology. To address these fundamental questions, the Wang lab developed the African killifish Nothobranchius furzeri as a new vertebrate regeneration model, which overcomes limitations of existing models (e.g., relatively long generation time and lifespan, labor-intensive animal maintenance) and facilitates the identification of conserved mechanisms of regeneration. Comparative epigenomic, single-cell and transgenic studies have allowed us to establish a model for the loss of regenerative capacities in vertebrates.

百家乐策略 -西北农林科技大学
