题目:Livestock production in balance: considerations for life cycle analysis and sustainability
报告人:Dr.Frank Mitloehner, PhD
报告会时间:2013.05.29 16:30-18:00(星期三)
附:Frank Mitloehner, PhD简历
Department of Animal Science
Universityof California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616
University of Leipzig, Germany, Animal Science & Ag Engineering, MS 1996
Texas Tech University, TX, Animal Science, PhD 2000
Post Doctoral Experience
Research Associate at Texas Tech University from Aug 2000 - Dec 2001.
? Professor & CE Specialist
? Associate Professor; Oct 2007 - 2012
? Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist for Air Quality; Animal Science, UC Davis; July 2006 - 2012
? Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist for Air Quality; Jan 2002 - June 2006
Professional Experience
? Director, Agricultural Air Quality Center, UC Davis (2005 - present)
? Director for Research, Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (2010 - present)
? Chair, UC ANR Workgroup for Air Quality (2006 to present)
? Member, President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)
? Member, Board of Directors, Professional Animal Auditing Certification Organization
? Member, Board of Directors, North American Food Animal Well-being Commission
? 2005 Outstanding Paper Award ― Journal: ‘Measurement, Science and Technology’
? 2006 Academic Federation Excellence in Research Award - Universityof California, Davis, awarded by Chancellor Vanderhoeff
? 2007 Environmental Award - Environmental Protection Agency
? 2009 Distinguished Service Award for Outstanding Research -University of California Division of Agricultural and Natural Resources, awarded by UC VP Dooley
? 2011 Outstanding Dairy Industry Researcher Award - awarded by Western Dairy Business, through selection by Western States dairy stakeholders.
Professional Societies
? American Geophysical Union (AGU)
? American Chemistry Society (ACS)
? American Society of Animal Science (ASAS)
? American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
Publications (2001-2012)
1.Mitloehner, F.M., J.L. Morrow‑Tesch, S.C. Wilson, J.W. Dailey, and J.J. McGlone. 2001. Behavioral
and sampling techniques for feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 79:1189-1193.
2.Mitloehner, F.M., J.L. Morrow‑Tesch, S.C. Wilson, J.W. Dailey, M. Galyean, M. Miller, and J.J.
McGlone. 2001. Shade and water misting effects on behavior physiology, performance and carcass traits
of heat stressed feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 79:2327-2335.
3.Mitloehner, F.M., M.L. Galyean, and J.J. McGlone. 2002. Shade effects on performance, carcass
traits, physiology, andbehavior of heat-stressed feedlot heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 80:2043-2050.
4.Wilson, S.C., F.M. Mitloehner, J.L. Morrow-Tesch, J.L. Dailey, and J.J. McGlone. 2002. An
assessment of several potential enrichment devices for feedlot cattle. Appl. Anim. Beh. Sci. 76:259-265.
5.Wilson, S.C., J. Morrow-Tesch, D.C. Straus, J.D. Cooley, W.C. Wong, F.M. Mitloehner, and J.J.
McGlone. 2002. Airborne microbial flora in a cattle feedlot. Appl. Environm. Microbiol. 68:3238-3242.
6. Mitloehner, F.M., T. Grandin, M. Galyean, J. Swanson, B. Smith, and D. Sehnert. 2003. Federation of
Animal Science Societies (FASS) Beef Training Module (//www.fass.org/video/beef.asp.).
7.Mitloehner, F.M., and R.B. Laube. 2003. Chronobiological indicators of heat stress in Bos indicus cattle in the Tropics. J. Anim. Vet. Advances 2: 654-659.
8.Oltjen, J.W., and F. Mitloehner. 2004. An overview of current beef welfare concerns. In: InformationResources on the Care and Welfare of Beef Cattle (C.P. Smith, Ed.) pp. vii-xiii. AWIC Resource Series No. 24. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library, Animal Welfare Information Center. Beltsville, MD. 245 p. ISBN 090076791X Call Number: aHV4701.A94 no.24
9.Morrow, J.L., F.M. Mitloehner, A.K. Johnson, M.L. Galyean, J.W. Dailey, T.S. Edrington, R.C. Anderson, K.J. Genovese, T.L. Poole, S.E. Duke, and T.R. Callaway. 2005. Effect of sprinkling cattle on incidence of zoonotic pathogens. J. Anim. Sci. 83:1959-1966.
10.Mitloehner, F.M. 2005. Effects of insufficient data on air quality regulatory policy in animalagriculture. J. Appl. Poultry Sci. 14:373-377.
11.Webber, M.T. MacDonald, M.B. Pushkarsky, C.K.N. Patel, Y. Zhao, N. Marcillac, and F.M Mitloehner. 2005. Agricultural ammonia sensor using diode lasers and photoacoustic spectroscopy. Meas. Sci. Technol. 16:1547-1553.
12. Silvis, J., G. Shaver, F.M. Mitloehner, D. Niemeier. 2006. Interaction among air quality, climate change and California agriculture. Chapter 4. In: Cavagnaro, T.R., Jackson, L.E., and Scow, K.M., eds. Climate Change: Challenges and Solutions for California Agricultural Landscapes. California. CEC-500-2005-189-SF. //www.climatechange.ca.gov/climate_action_team/reports/index.html. California Climate ChangeCenter, Sacramento CA.
13. Chang, A., T. Harter, J. Letey, D. Meyer, R. Meyer, M. Cambell, F. Mitloehner, S. Pettygrove, P. Robinson, and R. Zhang. 2006. Managing dairy manure in the central valley of California. Oakland: University of California ANR publication 9004.
14.Von Borell, E., A. Özpinar, K.M. Eslinger, A.L. Schnitz, Y. Zhao, and F.M. Mitloehner.2007.Acute and prolonged effects of ammonia on hematological variables, stress responses, performance, and behavior of nursery pigs. J. Swine Health Prod. 15:137-145.
15. Shaw, S.L., F.M. Mitloehner, W.A. Jackson, E. DePeters, R. Holzinger, J. Fadel, P.Robinson, and A.H. Goldstein. 2007. Volatile organic compound emissions from dairy cows and their waste as measured by proton transfer reaction - mass spectrometry. Env. Sci. & Technol. 41:1310-1316.
16. McGarvey, J., W.G. Miller, R. Zhang, Y. Ma, and F.M. Mitloehner. 2007. Bacterial population dynamics in dairy waste during aerobic and anaerobic treatment and subsequent storage. Appl. Environm. Microbiol. 73:193-202.
17.Mitloehner, F.M., and M. Schenker. 2007. Environmental Exposure and Health Effects of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Epidemiology 18:309-311.
18. Zhang, R.H., H. Sun, C. Collar, and F.M. Mitloehner. 2007. Aerator performance for wastewater lagoon application. ASABE publication 701Po907.
19. Stull, C., S. Barry, W. Jensen, D. Drake, L. Forero, J. Guerro, J. Maas, F. Mitloehner, G. Nader, and J. Oltjen. 2007. Beef Care Practices. Oakland: University of California ANR publication 8257.
20. Trabue, S., K. Scoggin, F.M. Mitloehner, R. Burns, and H. Xin. 2007. Volatile sulfurcompounds associated with animal feeding operations. Atmospheric Environment 42:3332-3341.
21. Sun, H., S. Trabue, K. Scoggin, W. Jackson, Y. Pan, Y. Zhao, I.L. Malkina, J.A. Koziel, and F.M. Mitloehner. 2008. Alcohol, volatile fatty acid, phenol, and methane emissions from dairy cows and fresh waste. J. Environm. Qual. 36: 615-622.
22. Sun, H.,Y. Pan, Y. Zhao, W. Jackson, L. Nuckles, V. Arteaga, and F.M. Mitloehner. 2008.Effects of sodium bisulfate on alcohol, amine, and ammonia emissions from dairy slurry. J. Environm. Qual. 37: 608-614.
23. Mitloehner, F. M. and M. S. Calvo. 2008. Worker health and safety in concentrated animal feeding operations. J. Agri. Health Safety.14; 163-187.
24. Howard, C., W. Yang, P. Green, F.M. Mitloehner, I. Malkina, R.G. Flocchini, M.J. Kleeman.2008. Direct measurements of the ozone forming potential from dairy cattle emissions using a transportable smog chamber. Atmospheric Environment. 42: 5269-5277.
25.Zhang, R., J.A. McGarvey, F.M. Mitloehner. 2008. Effects of anaerobic digestion and aerobictreatment on gaseous emissions from dairy manure storages. Int. J. Agr. & Biol. Eng. 1:15-20.
26.Johnson, A. K., F. M. Mitloehner, J. L. Morrow, and J. J. McGlone. 2008. Effects of shaded versus unshaded wallows on behavior, performance, and physiology of the outdoor lactating sow. J. Anim. Sci. 86:3628―3634.
27.Marcillac-Embertson, N.M., P.H. Robinson, J.G. Fadel, and F.M. Mitloehner. 2009. Effectsof shade and sprinklers on performance, behavior, physiology, and the environment of heifers. J.Dairy Sci.92: 509-517.
28.Mitloehner, F.M., H. Sun, and J. Karlik. 2009. Environmental chamber studies improve greenhouse gas emission estimates and suggest mitigation strategies for livestock facilities. CaliforniaAgriculture.63: 79-83.
29.Hamilton, S. W., E. J. DePeters, J. A. McGarvey, J. Lathrop, and F. M. Mitloehner. 2010. Greenhouse Gas, Animal Performance, and Bacterial Population Structure Responses to Dietary Monensin Fed to Dairy Cows. J. Environm. Qual. 39: 106-114.
30. Mitloehner, F.M., J. Swearengen, L. Jacobson, C. Gooch, P. Ndegwa. 2009. Chapter 3: Husbandry, Housing, and Biosecurity. In: Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching, Federation of Animal Science Societies, 14-28.
31.Pitesky, M., K. Stackhouse, and F.M. Mitloehner. 2009. Clearing the Air: Livestock’s Contributions to Climate Change. Adv. Agronomy, 103: 1-40.
32.Plummer, L.E., K. E. Pinkerton, S. Reynolds, S. Meschke, F.M. Mitloehner, D. Bennett, S. Smiley-Jewell, and M.B. Schenker. 2009. Aerosols in the Agricultural Setting. J. Agromed. 14413-6.
33. McGarvey, J. A., S. W. Hamilton, J. R. Lathrop, and F. M. Mitloehner. 2010. Effects of Dietary Monensin on the Bacterial Population Structure of Dairy Cattle Colonic Contents. Appl. Microb.& Biotechn.85: 1947-1952.
34.Wegesser, T.C., L.M. Franzi, F.M. Mitloehner, A. Eiguren-Fernandez , andJ.A. Last. 2010. Lung Antioxidant and Cytokine Responses to Coarse and Fine Particulate Matter from the Great California Wildfires of 2008. Inhalation Toxicology. 22: 561-570.
35.Howard C. J., A. Kumar, F. M. Mitloehner, K. R. Stackhouse, P. G. Green, R. G. Flocchini, and M. J. Kleeman. 2010. Direct Measurements of the Ozone Formation Potential from Livestock and Poultry Waste Emissions. Env. Sci. & Technol. 44: 2292-2298.
36.Calvo M. S., A. C. Gerry, J. A. McGarvey, T. L. Armitage, and F. M. Mitloehner. 2010.Acidification of calf bedding reduces fly development and bacterial abundance. J. Dairy Sci. 93:1059-1064.
37.Burgos S. A., N. M. Embertson, Y. Zhao, F. M. Mitloehner, E. J. DePeters, and J. G. Fadel. 2010. Prediction of Ammonia Emission from Dairy Cattle Manure Based on Milk Urea Nitrogen: Relation of Milk Urea Nitrogen to Ammonia Emissions. J. Dairy Sci. 93:2377-2386.
38.Howard, C. J., A. Kumar, I. A. Malkina, F. M. Mitloehner, P. G. Green, R. Flocchini, and M. Kleeman. 2010. Reactive Organic Gas Emissions from Livestock Feed Contribute Significantly to Ozone Production in Central California. Env. Sci. & Technol. 44: 2309-2314.
39.Montes, F., S. D. Hafner, C. A. Rotz, and F. M. Mitloehner. 2010. Temperature and air velocity effects on ethanol emission from corn silage with the characteristics of an exposed silo face. Atmospheric Environment. 44:1989-1995.
40.Place S.E., and F.M. Mitloehner. 2010. Contemporary Environmental Issues: A Review of the Dairy Industry’s Role in Climate Change and Air Quality and the Potential of Mitigation through Improved Production Efficiency. J. Dairy Sci. 93:3407-3416.
41. Hafner S. D., Montes, F., C. A. Rotz, and F. M. Mitloehner. 2010. Ethanol emission from loose corn silage and exposed silage particles. Atmospheric Environment.44: 4172-4180.
42.Eastman C., D. C. Mitchell, D. H. Bennett, D. J. Tancredi, F. M. Mitloehner, and M. B.Schenker. 2010. Respiratory symptoms of California’s dairy workers. Field Actions ScienceReport. 2: 1-6.
43.Kumar A., C. J. Howard, D. Derrick, I. L. Malkina, F. M. Mitloehner, M. J. Kleeman, C. P. Alaimo, R. G. Flocchini and P. G. Green. 2010. Determination of volatile organic compound emissions and ozone formation from spraying solvent-based pesticides. J. Environ. Qual. 40: 1423-1431.
44.Mitloehner, F. M. 2010. Is the rising demand for animal protein fueling climate change? J.Anim. Breed. Genet. 127: 421-422 (Editorial).
45.El-Mashad, H. M., R. Zhang, T. Rumsey, S. Hafner, F. Montes, C. A. Rotz, V. Arteaga, Y.Zhao, F. M. Mitloehner. 2011. A mass transfer model of ethanol emission from thin layers of corn silage. Trans. ASABE. 53: 1-7.
46.Xin H., R. S. Gates, A. R. Green, F. M. Mitloehner, P. A. Moore Jr., and C. M. Wathes. 2011. Environmental impacts and sustainability of egg production systems. Poultry Science. 90:263-277.
47.Malkina I.L., A. Kumar, P. G. Green, and F. M. Mitloehner. 2011. Identification and quantitation of volatile organic compounds emitted from dairy silages and other feedstuffs. J. Environ. Qual. 40:1―9.
48.Cooprider K.L., F. M. Mitloehner, Y. Zhao, T. R. Famula, E. Kebreab, and A. L. Van Eenennaam. 2011. Feedlot efficiency implications on greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability. J. Anim. Sci. 89: 2643-2656.
49. Stackhouse K. R, Y. Pan, Y. Zhao, and F.M. Mitloehner. 2011. Greenhouse gas and alcohol emissions from feedlot steers and calves. J. Environ. Qual. 40:899-906.
50. Kumar, A., C. P. Alaimo, R. Horowitz, F. M. Mitloehner, M. J. Kleeman, and P. G. Green.2011. Volatile organic compound emissions from green waste composting: characterization and ozone formation. Atmospheric Environment. 45:1841-1848.
51. Jacobson, L. D., B. W. Auvermann, R. Massey, F. M. Mitloehner, A. L. Sutton, H. Xin. 2011. Air issues associated with animal agriculture: a North American perspective. Council for Agricultural & Science Technology 47: 1-23.
52. McGarvey, J. A., K. R. Stackhouse, W.G. Miller, L.H. Stanker, R. Hnaskoand F.M. Mitloehner. 2011. The effects of sodium bisulfate on the bacterial population structure of dairy cow waste. J. Appl. Microbiol. 111: 319-328.
53. Stackhouse, K.R., S.E. Place, M.S. Calvo, Q. Wang, and F. M. Mitloehner. 2011.Greenhouse gas emission sources from US beef and dairy production systems. In: Understanding Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agricultural Management. Ch. 21, pp 407-417. American Chemical Society.
54. Place S.E., K.R. Stackhouse, M. Calvo, Q. Wang, and F.M. Mitloehner. 2011. Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from US beef and dairy production systems. In: Understanding Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agricultural Management. Ch. 23, pp 443-457. American Chemical Society.
55.l-Mashad, H. M., R. Zhang, V. Arteaga, T. Rumsey, F. M. Mitloehner. 2011. Generation and emissions of volatile fatty acids and alcohols during anaerobic storage of dairy manure.Trans. ASABE 54:1-9.
56.Place, S., Y. Pan, Y. Zhao, and F. M. Mitloehner. 2011. Construction and Operation of a Head Chamber System for Measuring Eructated Greenhouse Gas and Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Cattle. Animals, 1: 433-446.
57. Vogel, C. F. A, J. Garzia, D. Wu, D. Mitchell, Y. Zhang, N. Y. Kado, P. Wong, D. A. Trujillo, A. Lollies, D. Bennett, M. B. Schenker and F.M. Mitloehner. 2012. Activation of inflammatory responses in human U937 macrophages by particulate matter collected from dairy farms: an in vitro expression analysis of pro-inflammatory markers. Environmental Health.11:17.
58.Hu, J., C. J. Howard, F. M. Mitloehner, P. G. Green, and M. J. Kleeman. 2012. Mobile Source and Livestock Feed Contributions to Regional Ozone Formation in Central California. Env. Sci. & Technol. 46: 2781-2789.
59. Place, S. E., and F. M. Mitloehner. 2012. Beef production in balance: considerations for lifecycle analyses. Meat Science. 92: 179-181.
60. Mitloehner, F. M. and S. Place. 2012. Perspectives of the impacts of livestock production onclimate change. Advances in Animal Biosciences. 2: 608-610.
61. Li C., W. Salas, R. Zhang, C. Krauter, A. Rotz, and F. M Mitloehner. Manure-DNDC: a Biogeochemical Process Model for Quantifying Greenhouse Gas and Ammonia Emissions from Livestock Manure Systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 93: 163-200.
62.Zhao, Y, Y. Pan, J. Rutherford, F.M. Mitloehner. 2012. Estimation of the Interference in multi-gas measurements using the infrared photoacoustic Innova analyzer. Atmosphere. 3: 246-265.
63. Garcia, J., D. Bennett, M. Schenker, F.M. Mitloehner. 2012. Occupational exposure to particulate matter and endotoxin for California dairy workers. International Journal of Hygieneand Environmental Health10.1016/j.ijheh.2012.04.001.
64.Stackhouse, K.R., C.A. Rotz, J.W. Oltjen, F.M. Mitloehner. 2012. Growth promoting technologies reduce the carbon footprint, ammonia emissions, and costs of California beef production systems. J. Anim. Sci. 10.2527/jas.2011-4654
65.Stackhouse-Lawson, K.R., C.A. Rotz, J.W. Oltjen, F.M. Mitloehner. 2012. Carbon footprint and ammonia emissions of California beef production systems. J Anim. Sci. 10.2527/jas.2011-4653.
Air Emission Mitigation Techniques and Technologies for California Dairies
Agency: State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) & UC matching
Amount: $600,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner,
Co-PIs: J. Fadel, P. Robinson, T. Harter, and R. Zhang
Period: Jan 03 ― Dec 06
UC Equipment Matching Funds Program
Agency: UC Davis, Vice Chancellor for Research
Amount: $140,000
P.I. F. Mitloehner
Period: Jan 03 ― Dec 06
Development of an Air Module Curriculum for the California Dairy Quality Assurance Program
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Amount: $50,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner,
Co-PIs: D. Meyer, and M. Payne
Period: Mar 03 ― Mar 05
Laser-based Sensors for Monitoring Ammonia Emissions
Amount: $79,000 ($20,000 for Mitloehner portion)
P.I.: C. Patel (Pranalytica) and F. Mitloehner
Period: Jul 03 ― Dec 05
Laser-based Sensors for Monitoring Ammonia Emissions
Amount: $350,000 ($75,000 for Mitloehner portion)
P.I.: C. Patel (Pranalytica) and F. Mitloehner
Period: Jul 05 ― Dec 06
Effect of Atmospheric Ammonia on Pig Welfare
Agency: National Pork Board (NPB)
Amount: $40,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Period: Dec 03 ― Jul 05
Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Cows Fed Typical California Rations
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Amount: $75,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner,
Co-PIs: B. Flocchini, P. Robinson, J. Fadel, and E. DePeters
Period: Dec 03 ― Jun 05
Developing a Process-based Model for Greenhouse Gases for California Dairies
Agency: California Energy Commission
Amount: $500,000 ($119,000 for Mitloehner portion)
P.I.: B. Salas and F. Mitloehner,
Period: May 03 ― Jun 07
Volatile Fatty Acids, Amine, and Phenol Emissions from Cows and their waste
Agency: California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Amount: $200,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner,
Co-PIs: S. Trabue (USDA-ARS) and J. Koziel (ISU)
Period: Oct 05 ― Sep 06
National Air Emissions Monitoring Project- Air Emissions from California Dairies
Agency: Ag Air Research Council (AARC)
Amount: $250,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner,
Period: Jan 07 ― May 10
Characterization of Dairy Waste Management Strategies with Regard to Pathogens and Air quality
Agency: US Dept of Agriculture ― Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS)
Amount: $30,300
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Co-PIs: R. Zhang
Period: Mar 05 ― Dec 06
Process-Based Farm Emission Model for Estimating Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from California Dairies
Agency: California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Amount: $300,000
P.I.: R. Zhang
Co-PIs: F. Mitloehner, Allen Goldstein (UC Berkeley)
Period: Jun 06 ― Jun 09
Estimating and Reducing Air Emissions from Dairy Feeding Operations
Amount: $278,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Co-PIs: R. Zhang, J. McGarvey, E. DePeters, C. Krauter
Period: June 06 ― Sep 09
Respiratory Exposures and Health of Workers on California Dairies
Agency: National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH)
Amount: $1,700,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Co-PI: M. Schenker, D. Bennett, C. Vogel
Period: Sep 06- Sep 2011
Effects of Dietary Rumensin on Greenhouse Gas and Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Lactating Dairy Cows
Agency: Ely Lilly - ELANCO
Amount: $230,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Co-PI: J. McGarvey
Period: Jan 2010 - Dec 2012
National Air Emissions Monitoring Project- Air Emissions from California Dairies
Agency: California Department Food and Agriculture (CDFA)
Amount: $150,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner,
Period: Sep 09 ― Feb 10
Alcohol Emissions from California Dairies
Agency: California State University (CSU Foundation)
Amount: $138,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner,
Period: Sep 08 ― Feb 11
Monitoring and modeling gaseous emissions from swine production systems
Agency: Applied Geosolutions
Amount: $292,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Period: Oct 10 ― Oct 12
Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply - Exposure and Health
Agency: Center for Food Integrity
Amount: $454,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Period: Sep 10 ― Sep 14
Evaluation of volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia and dry matter losses in alfalfa silage treated with inoculant blends
Agency: DeLaval
Amount: $40,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Period: May 11 ― Dec 11
Effects of micromineral additives in dairy feed on greenhouse gas emissions from cow manure
Agency: AllTech
Amount: $50,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner,
Period: Mar 11 ― Mar 12
Process-based Model for Dairy Housing and Manure Storage
Agency: National Milk Producer’s Federation (NMPF)
Amount: $300,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Period: Jan 08 ― Dec 10
Agency: California Energy Commision
Amount: $190,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Period: Jun 12 ― Nov 13
Effects of Feeding Mintrex copper and Nitrate on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Cattle
Agency: Novus International, Inc.
Amount: $72,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Period: Dec 11 ― Dec 12
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Cattle through Feeding Nitrate and Bioplex Copper
Agency: Alltech
Amount: $45,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Period: Jul 12 ― May 13
Reducing Dairy Silage Emissions for Improved Air Quality and Productivity
Agency: California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Amount: $400,000
P.I.: F. Mitloehner
Period: Jul 12 ― Jun 15