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AMP-activated protein kinase in muscle growth,function,and meat quality 

       发布日期:2015-10-14     浏览次数:



报告题目:AMP-activated protein kinase in muscle growth,function,and meat quality


报 告 人:沈清武  博士 (美国普渡大学)




报告地点:百家乐策略 一楼会议室






沈清武,美国怀俄明大学动物科学与兽医学博士, 目前在美国普渡大学动物科学系,主要研究肌肉蛋白质的结构和功能,肌肉收缩的分子机理和调控、肌肉的超微结构、肌肉生物物理学与肉品品质控制、硫辛酸对老鼠生长发育,肌肉化学组成和AMPK信号转导途径的调控、母羊营养对胎儿肌肉中pTEN mTOR 信号转导途径的调控和胎儿健康状况的影响、腺嘌呤单核苷酸激活的激酶(AMP-activated protein kinase, AMPK) 对动物屠宰后肌肉糖酵解的调控作用研究以及PSE (pale, soft, and exudative) 肉的防治等工作。

曾获怀俄明大学杰出博士研究生、研究生旅差基金、Kercher’s 奖学金、研究生旅差基金(Graduate Travel Funding)等。



1.Shen, Q. W. and Darl R. Swartz. 2008. Ionic Strength Influence on Toponin dissociation from skeletal myofibrils. Biophysical journal. Accepted. (IF: 4.757; Cited: N/A)

2.Yang, Z., M. Yamazaki, Q. W. Shen, and D. R. Swartz (2008). Difference between cardiac and skeletal troponin interaction with the thin filament probed by troponin exchange in skeletal myofibrils. Biophysical Journal, in press. (IF: 4.757; Cited: N/A)

3.Forhead, A.J., C. A. Lamb, K. L. Franko, D. M. O'Connor, F. B. P. Wooding, R. L. Cripps, S. Ozanne, D. Blache, Q. W. Shen, M. Du, and A. L. Fowden.(2008). Role of leptin in the regulation of growth and carbohydrate metabolism in the ovine fetus during late gestation. Journal of Physiology, 586(9):2393-403. (IF: 6.268; Cited: 0)

4.Li, pinglan, Qingwu Shen, Ziyu Liu, Peng Fu, Wei Zhou. 2008. A newly isolated strain Pediococcus parvulus from Xuanwei ham, a traditional Chinese fermented meat product. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 43(8): 1387-1394. (IF: 0.832; Cited: 0)

5.Shen, Q. W., Jun Ren, and M. Du. 2007.  Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase is involved in AMP-activated protein kinase activation by a-lipoic acid in C2C12 myotubes. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology. 293(4): 1395-1403. (IF: 4.334; Cited: 5)

6.Keith R. Underwood, Junfeng Tong, Mei J. Zhu, Qingwu W. Shen, Warrie J. Means, Stephen P. Ford, Steven I. Paisley, Bret W. Hess, and Min Du. 2007. Relationship between kinase phosphorylation, muscle fiber typing and glycogen accumulation in Longissimus dorsi muscle of beef cattle with high and low intramuscular fat. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 55(23):9698-9703. (IF: 2.322; Cited: 2)

7.Shen, Q. W., D. Gerrard and M. Du. 2007. Compound C, an inhibitor of AMP-activated protein kinase, inhibits glycolysis in mouse longissimus dorsi postmortem. Meat Science. 78: 323-330. (IF: 1.84; Cited: 2)

8.Shen, Q. W., K. R. Underwood, W. J. Means, R. J. McCormick, and M. Du. 2007. Halothane gene, energy metabolism, AMP-activated protein kinase, and glycolysis in postmortem pig longissimus dorsi muscle. Journal of Animal Science. 85:1054-1061. (IF: 1.983; Cited: 4)

9.Min Du, Q. W. Shen, Mei J. Zhu, and Stephen P. Ford. 2007. Leucine stimulates mTOR signalling in C2C12 myoblast cells through inhibition of AMP-activated protein kinase. Journal of Animal Science. 85(4):919-927. (IF: 1.983; Cited: 4)

10.Shen, Q. W., M. Du, and J. Ren. 2006. Fitness or fatness: the debate continues for AMP-activated protein kinase in heart function. Current Cardiology Reviews. 2: 117-123. (IF: N/A; Cited: N/A)

11.Shen, Q. W., W. J. Means, K. Underwood, S. Thompson, Mei J. Zhu, R. J. McCormick, S.P. Ford, M. Ellis, and M. Du. 2006. Early post-mortem amp-activated protein kinase (ampk) activation leads to phosphofructokinase-2 and-1 (pfk-2 and pfk-1) phosphorylation and the development of pale, soft, and exudative (pse) conditions in porcine longissimus muscle. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54: 5583-5589. (IF: 2.322; Cited: 11)

12.Shen, Q. W., W. J. Means, S. A. Thompson, K. R. Underwood, R. J. McCormick, S. P. Ford, and M. Du. 2006. Pre-slaughter transport, amp-activated protein kinase, glycolysis, and quality of pork loin. Meat Science 74: 388-395. (IF: 1.84; Cited: 5)

13.Shen, Q. W., C. S. Jones, N. Kalchayanand, M. J. Zhu, and M. Du. 2005. Effect of dietary alpha-lipoic acid on growth, body composition, muscle ph, and amp-activated protein kinase phosphorylation in mice. Journal of Animal Science 83: 2611-2617. (IF: 1.983; Cited: 9)

14.Shen, Q. W., and M. Du. 2005. Effects of dietary alpha-lipoic acid on glycolysis of postmortem muscle. Meat Science 71: 306-311. (IF: 1.84; Cited: 7)

15.Shen, Q. W., and M. Du. 2005. Role of amp-activated protein kinase in the glycolysis of postmortem muscle. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 85: 2401-2406. (IF: 1.026; Cited: 8)

16.Du, M., Q. W. Shen, and M. J. Zhu. 2005. Role of beta-adrenoceptor signaling and amp-activated protein kinase in glycolysis of postmortem skeletal muscle. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53: 3235-3239. (IF: 2.322; Cited: 8)



1.Qingwu W. Shen and Darl R. Swartz. 2008. Ionic Strength Influence on Toponin dissociation from skeletal myofibrils. The Joint Biophysical society 52nd Annual Meeting and 16th International biophysics Congress. Long Beach. CA. February 2-6.

2.Zhenyun Yang, Marie Yamazaki, Qingwu W. Shen, Yanfang Pan, and Darl R. Swartz. 2008. Differences in apparent troponin dissociation rates between cardiac and skeletal troponin in skeletal myofibrils relative to the 3-state model the thin filament regulation. The Joint Biophysical society 52nd Annual Meeting and 16th International biophysics Congress. Long Beach. CA. February 2-6.

3.Bing Han, Changwei Ma, M. J. Zhu, Qingwu W. Shen, and M. Du. 2007. Leucine supplementation mitigates atrophy of non-weight-bearing skeletal muscle in rats. Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Washington DC, April 28-May 2.

4.Shen, Q. W., Jun Ren, and M. Du. 2007. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinases are mainly responsible for AMP-activated protein kinase activation by a-lipoic acid in C2C12 myotubes. Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Washington DC, April 28-May 2.

5.Shen, Q.W., Warrie J. Means, Mei J. Zhu, Keith R. Underwood, Shane A. Thompson, Richard J. McCormick, Stephen P. Ford, Michael Ellis, and Min Du. 2006 Early AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation leads to PSE meat in pork. 59th Reciprocal Meat Conference, Urbana-Champaign, June 18-21.

6.Du, M., Qingwu W. Shen, and Meijun Zhu. 2006. Leucine stimulates mTOR signaling in C2C12 myoblast cells through inhibition of AMP-activated protein kinase. Experimental Biology, San Francisco, CA..

7.Zhu, Mei J., Qingwu W. Shen, Stephen P. Ford, Peter W. Nathanielsz, and Min Du. 2005. Maternal nutrient restriction alters carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 activity and myosin isoform composition of offspring skeletal muscle. Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 2006 Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

8.Min Du, Qingwu Shen, N. Schlabritz-Loutsevitch, Stephen P. Ford, Peter W. Nathanielsz. 2005. Global 30% nutrient restriction (NR) from 30 to 165 days gestation decrease Erk and phospho-Erk but not Akt or P-Akt in the baboon placenta. Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 2006 Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

9.Du, M., Qingwu W. Shen, Hyungchul Han, Mei J. Zhu, Michelle M. Schwope, Warrie J. Means, Peter W. Nathanielsz, and Stephen P. Ford. 2005. Differential signaling of growth pathways in fetal liver and muscle in response to maternal nutrient restriction. The 3rd International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, Toronto, Canada.

10.Shen, Q. W., M.J. Zhu, M. Du. 2005. Role of b-adrenoceptor signaling and AMP-activated protein kinase in the glycolysis of postmortem skeletal muscle. American Society of Animal Scientists Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio.

11.Shen, Q. W., and Min Du. 2005. AMP-activated protein kinase and b-adrenoceptor in glycolysis of postmortem muscle. Department of Animal Science, 2005 Annual Report.

12.Mei J. Zhu, Qingwu W. Shen, and Min Du. 2005. Protein expression profiling of skeletal muscle through 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and protein identification by mass spectrometry. Proceeding of 51st International Congress of Meat Science & Technology, Baltimore, Maryland.

13.Shen, Q. W., C. S. Jones, N. Kalchayanand, M. Du. 2004. Effect of dietary a-lipoic Acid on the growth rate and fat accumulation of mice and the ultimate pH of postmortem muscle. Colorado Nutrition Roundtable. September 23. Fort Collins. CO. USA.


百家乐策略 -西北农林科技大学
