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       发布日期:2024-05-31     浏览次数:


报告题目:Decoding the Regulators of the Epigenome

报 告 人:严健 博士






Decoding the regulators influencing the epigenome

Chromatin epigenetic modifications are enriched at various  cis -regulatory elements, essential for spatiotemporal regulation of gene transcription. The epigenetic marks cooperate and interplay with different  trans -regulatory factors, such as transcription factor (TF) and RNA: on the one hand, modifications influence the chromatin binding of trans-factors; one the other hand, the trans-factors direct the deposition of different epigenetic signals. However, details of the crosstalk mechanism between the epigenetic marks and trans-regulatory factors have yet to be fully elucidated.

In the first half, I’ll discuss about the potential mechanism of how DNA methylation is regulated around the binding sites of CTCF, a highly conserved TF involved in 3D genome organization. By leveraging proteomic analysis, we found that multiple subunits of the nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase (NuRD) complex could bridge the interaction between CTCF and the TET DNA demethylases to mediate the CTCF-associated DNA demethylation. More interestingly, we showed that chromatin the binding of CTCF heavily depends on the NuRD complex. Depletion of NuRD severely abrogated CTCF binding and led to destruction ofthe chromatin high-order structures, revealing a novel role of the NuRD complex in 3D genome organization.

In the second half, a novel method termed Chrom-seq to identify chromatin associated regulatory RNAs (carRNA) around various epigenetic markswill be introduced. The method avoids using crosslinking and antibody-mediated capture, and thus substantially enhances the signal-to-noise ratio. By applying Chrom-seq to different cells, we systematically map RNAs at various chromatin marks and validatethe regulatory roles of some ncRNAs, endorsing the role of RNA in regulating the epigenome landscape.

报告人简介:严健博士本科毕业于清华大学生物系,随后在瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院取得博士学位,师从Jussi Taipale教授。2015-2018年期间,在加州大学圣迭戈分校任兵教授实验室从事博士后研究工作,致力于三维基因组高级结构的调控机制。2018年受海外高层次人才计划青年项目支持回到西北大学建立独立实验室。严健博士的主要研究方向为非编码基因组功能与转录调控,曾在顶级学术期刊上发表了30余篇重要的科学论文,其中包括多篇在Cell、Nature、Nature Methods、Cell Research等权威期刊发表的第一或通讯作者论文,总引用已经近7000次。

百家乐策略 -西北农林科技大学
