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关于举办“The new era of Cryptosporidium research in China”学术报告的通知

       发布日期:2016-09-05     浏览次数:


  报告题目: The new era of Cryptosporidium research in China

  报告人: Panagiotis Karanis教授(德国科隆大学,青海大学“人才项目专家”入选者)

  报告时间:2016年9月6日(周二) 上午10:00



  • Prof. Panagiotis Karanis obtained his PhD in Parasitology from Bonn University. Following post-doctoral research activities in Germany, Greece, Australia, Japan, Kanada, Thailand and China he has been working in the field of medical, epidemiological and molecular Parasitology taken into account both the pathogen and the disease.


  • He completed his habilitation at Bonn Medical School in Germany; and he got professorships in German, Japanese and Chinese Universities (National Research for Protozoan Diseases at the Obihiro University/Japan, Cologne Medical School/Germany/ and Qinghai University/China). He has an outstanding academic background, excellent publication record with more than 100 original peer review articles in journals related to Parasitology and Tropical Diseases and he has significant teaching experiences in the fields of Medical Parasitology, Tropical Diseases and Anatomy. He has authored a couple of book chapters.


  • His worldwide research activities focused in the control of water-borne and vector-borne parasitic diseases including the development of diagnostic assays useful for basic and clinical platforms in the field of biomedicine. He was the main speaker of the Nobel-Days-Lecture during the Nobel-Days-Festivities at the Örebro University in Sweden in December 10th, 2012, focused on Malaria vaccine development.


  • Prof.Karanis is an influential and most prominent Greek Parasitologist, having had fundamental role in triggering the interest of the German, Greek, Japanese, and Chinese governments for research contributions on water-borne parasitic diseases and their control in many countries. He has been selected in 2014 by the Chinese Government as a foreign expert inside of the 1000 Talent Plan to work in Qinghai University; and he is looking forward to make the best use of existing skills and experiences; to provide worldwide opportunities for further responsibility and professional development on diagnostic assays for next generation biosensors and bio-detection techniques to control pathogens and most important infectious diseases.



  报告题目: Cryptosporidium and Giardia in  drinking  water  reservoirs  and  slaughter  house  waste  water  in  the Qinghai Tibet Plateau

  报告人: 马利青研究员(青海省畜牧兽医科学院)

  报告时间:2016年9月6日(周二) 上午11:00







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