报告题目:Decoding the molecular dialogue: how plants collaborate with bacteria to obtain nitrogen nutrition
报 告 人:潘怀荣 博士
报告地点:百家乐策略 107报告厅
潘怀荣,博士,1983年生。2005年,东北师范大学学士学位;2012年,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所博士学位,专业为遗传学;2013年至今,马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts Amherst)博士后,研究方向是豆科植物固氮共生的机制。在研究生和博士后期间,参与多项国家级课题。研究结果以第一作者发表在Nature Plants和The Plant Journal等顶级杂志上。
The nitrogen-fixing symbiosis between legume plants and rhizobia is highly relevant to human society and global ecology. Inside the specific root organ, nodule, plant accommodate rhizobia inside its cells and secrete host effectors to regulate rhizobia differentiation and development. However how plants recognize rhizobia specifically and successfully target rhizobia for subcellular trafficking are poorly understood. We demonstrate that SYP132A, a symbiosis-specific SNARE protein isoform, is an ancient factor specifying plant-microbe interfaces. Meanwhile we show that DMI2, a receptor-like kinase, exhibit protein level dynamics to magnify perceived rhizobia signal. Furthermore we identified novel proteins coordinating nodule development and rhizobia infection. Increased understanding of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis could lead to breakthroughs in forage improvement and more sustainable agricultural practice world widely.