报 告 人: David B.Hannaway(韩大卫) 教授 美国俄勒冈州立大学
报告时间:2017年7月18 日(星期二)上午9:00
报告地点:百家乐策略 104报告厅
报告人简介:David B.Hannaway(韩大卫),美国俄勒冈州立大学作物与土壤科学系教授与饲料项目总监,牧草部主任兼亚洲首席联络官。韩大卫教授是中美合作“最佳草种选择和根据地理信息系统作图” 项目发起人和首席科学家,世界第一饲草网页“饲草信息系统”发起人和高级作者、编辑,曾来华学术交流60余次。附David B.Hannaway 个人简历。
David B.Hannaway 个人简历(英文)
David B HannawayProfessor Oregon State University USA Tel: 541-737-5863 Fax: 541-737-1589
David is a forage specialist at Oregon State University with research, teaching, extension, and international projects responsibilities.After completing degrees at the Universities of Delaware, Tennessee, and Kentucky, and extensive international travel in the spring of 1979, I began work at OSU and have been there for my entire professional career. Research has focused on biological nitrogen fixation of forage legumes and GIS-based ecological zoning to match species with climate and soil conditions. Extension activities have included national standards for forage quality evaluation and practical computer applications, including extensive work on the Forage Information System (//forages.oregonstate.edu). Teaching responsibilities focus on forage and livestock systems and developing a national grasslands curriculum. International work has included USDA projects in Tunisia in the 1980s, a sabbatical leave in Avignon, France in 1999-2000, and over 25 years of working in China, with support from the USDA FAS MAP and EMP, Oregon Seed Council, and USTDA. Previous Fulbright activities included a Senior Scholar two-phase project in Banda Aceh, Indonesia to assist with tsunami recovery and develop improved capacity for applied research work at Syiah Kuala University. My current Distinguished Chair China Fulbright program will focus on developing a Chinese national curriculum for forage and livestock systems, modeling and mapping alfalfa varieties to appropriate areas in China, grassland/rangeland restoration research to match stocking rates to the biological capacity of the land, and assisting faculty and students in their publication efforts. My initial Fulbright program host will be Sichuan Agricultural University, followed by 5 months at Nanjing Agricultural University.
Research Interest
1.To make Irrigation technology more efficient and effective use of personnel and financial resources (through rewarding cooperation as well as independent accomplishments),
2. Apply current and emerging technologies to the benefit of society
3. Balance the needs for an economically productive forage/livestock agriculture with those for sustainable resource management,
4. Understand a broader concept of scholarship (involving not only discovery but also organization, synthesis, application, and outreach),
5. Evaluate and transform scientific research on conserved forages, pastures, and rangelands into useful and effective educational materials for broader societal benefit.